Wednesday, 25 January 2017

3 reasons you should join a career training before you complete your last semester

By the time you were coming out of the hangover of New Year celebration, you realize that 4-5 months down the line you will be giving interviews and be in actual IT Industry. While many of the students opt for trying their luck of getting jobs directly in the campus, but as per the stats only 15-20% of the students get selected.

“75% of engineering and 80% of non-engineering graduates requires retraining after completing their college.”
Dr. A.P.J. Kalam in an interview to Arnab Goswami

You will be required to take your career oriented training to master the skills sometime in your life and the factor which decides it is the time when you opt for it.
Is joining such training before completing your last semester is good idea or not.

I will give you 3 simple reason supporting my point.

1.    Helps you crack your college campus interview easily.
2.    Final Year project become fun to make.
3.    Gives the edge of time compared to other students.

1. Helps you crack your college campus interview easily.

Getting placed in college campus is one of the great things that can happen in a student's career. Companies which come on campus doesn’t pick up every other student, they are looking for the best in the lot. Career Oriented Training like our 50 Days Java Training helps you get the extra edge over other students as such training courses also trains you for Interview. Cracking an interview is not a luck game but it is a science where a vendor is looking for a resource and you have be an asset for them. It is not possible that you will fit for all the requirements of all the companies that come for campus. But to excel where you fit requires hard work and training.

2. Final Year project become fun to make.

-       Final Year project is the mega event in life of all the graduation students. Finally all the things they have learnt during their graduation is put together and the final implementation of the project is created. But contrary to the beliefs 50% of the students just pick up the projects from some senior or worst scenario they buy it from some developer. Major reasons for doing so is really simple LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CODING LANGUAGES AND IMPLEMENTATION. Our Training Program like Android and Java Developer Training helps you overcome that as this training programs covers a vast array of concept based implementation. Our Java Training encompass around 450 programs executed and Android Training covers development of around 50 apps with added benefit of Project Guidance for Graduation and Postgraduate students.

3. Gives the edge of time compared to other students.

-       Competition with others is not healthy but competing with yourself is always an added benefit. I do not believe in Competition but in Domination. Dominate the field you want to excel. Time is the biggest asset you have and utilizing it in an optimized way is the signature of successful. Getting trained before your last semester give you an extra edge over the time as you can decide the technology of your comfort and the major advantage is that while others are planning their future you actually get started working on it.

-       Asterix Solution is a renowned name in the field of IT Training for last 3 years with presence in Thane and Vashi. Our Trending Training Programs like 50 Days Java Training Program, Big Data Hadoop Training and Android Training have proved to be life changing for around 1000 students we trained at our centres and college workshops and tie up programs. Visit us on

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